This is a 6 step process:
1. Check
CGI or ISAPI is enabled in IIS
2. Create
the Cognos 8 virtual directories
3. Edit
ISAPI or CGI Extensions
4. Add
module mapping
5. Edit
Module mapping
6. Allow CGI application to use execute
1. Check CGI or ISAPI is enabled in IIS
Go to Start > Administrative
Tools>Server Manager
On the right hand side next to ‘roles’
click ‘add role services’
Underneath Application Development’ ensure
CGI and ‘ISAPI Extensions’ are listed as ‘Installed’. If not then check them
and click ‘Install’
2. Create the Cognos 8 virtual directories
In the left Connections pane, expand the
server node, expand Sites, right-click on Default Website, and click Add
Virtual Directory
"c84" for the Alias and enter the path to the c8\webcontent directory
in the Physical Path (default C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\webcontent). Click OK.
Enter "cgi-bin" for the Alias and enter the path to the c8/cgi-bin directory in Physical Path (default C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\cgi-bin). Click OK.
3. Edit ISAPI or CGI Extensions
the left Connections pane, select the server node, then double-click ISAPI and
CGI Restrictions in the right pane.
In the Actions pane click Add, enter the path to either cognosisapi.dll or cognos.cgi depending on which you will use (default C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\cgi-bin\cognosisapi.dll or C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\cgi-bin\cogno.cgi), check the "Allow extension path to execute" box, then click OK.
(you may need to surround the path in double quotes if it contains any spaces)
Click ‘edit feature settings’ on right-hand
side and ‘Allow unspecified CGI Modules’
4. Add Module Mapping
Within IIS expand the virtual directory and
click on the cgi-bin virtual directory, Double click Handler Mapping within the
main pane.
the actions pane click Add Module Mapping.
Enter either *.cgi or *.dll in the Request
Path depending on which one it is you require. Within the Module Path choose
either CGIModule or ISAPIModule. In the name section give it a realistic name
i.e. ISAPI-cognos
If you are using ISAPI Module you will need
to click the ellipsis next to the Executable section within here navigate to
Click Request Restrictions
N.b. if you are using a CGI Module you do
not need to select anything in the executable section
Under the Mapping tab Select Invoke handler
only if request is mapped to: File
Under the verbs tab ensure All verbs is
Under the Access Tab, Select Execute
Depending on the method used in section 3 a
message may appear select Yes
Your new module mapping should be added to
the Module Mapping List
5. Edit Module Mapping
In order for Cognos Administration to function properly, the
directive added to the IIS configuration file in previous step has to be
edited manually. This will have been written to
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationhost.config. Open up using
Wordpad Check those files for the following entry:
It’s in the web.xml
directory in in the cognos cgi-bin
For CGI it will originally look like:
<add name="CGI-cognos" path="*.cgi"
verb="*" modules="CgiModule"
resourceType="Unspecified" />
Add allowPathInfo="true" at the end of the statement so
it looks like:
<add name="CGI-cognos" path="*.cgi"
verb="*" modules="CgiModule"
resourceType="Unspecified" allowPathInfo="true" />
For ISAPI it will originally look like:
name="ISAPI-Cognos" path="cognosisapi.dll"
verb="*" modules="IsapiModule"
resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="Execute"
preCondition="bitness32" />
Add allowPathInfo=”true” at the end of
the statement so it looks like
name="ISAPI-Cognos" path="cognosisapi.dll"
verb="*" modules="IsapiModule"
resourceType="Unspecified" requireAccess="Execute"
preCondition="bitness32" allowPathInfo="true"/>
n.b. you may need to ensure that you
have access permissions on the folder to enable you to save to this file
6. Allowing CGI application to use execute
Select cgi-bin virtual directory within
IIS, Select Handler Mappings and click Edit Feature Permissions.
Select OK and Click OK
Good one thanks